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The MenEngage Lebanon Network, part of the Global MenEngage Alliance, aims to advance gender justice and social equality. The network engages men and boys in promoting peace, equality, and social change, collaborating with women and decision-makers to design policies for...
Program Gender EqualityMasculinities
This Learning Brief shares learning from Strengthening Civil Courage (SCC) partners in Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine and Syria on countering anti-gender backlash, as part of an ongoing effort to document gender within peace-building and human rights work.
Program Gender Equality
Tags peace-building
في خضم الأزمات والحروب والأوقات العصيبة و ما يتأتى عنها من حالات طارئة، يغيب عن ذهن الكثير من الرجال أهمية الاهتمام بصحتهم النفسية وعافيتهم، ما ينتج عنه انعكاسات سلبية على أسرهم .. وفي حين يدرك العديد من الرجال أدوارهم في...
Program Masculinities
In times of emergency, crisis, and grief, many men overlook the importance of their own mental health and well-being. This neglect not only affects them but can also have significant repercussions on their families. While many men recognize their roles...
Program Masculinities
The Ministry of Social Affairs and the National Commission for Lebanese Women, with the support of the United Nations Population Fund and contributions from ABAAD, developed the “Standards for Temporary Shelters for the Protection of Women and Girls Survivors of Violence.”
Program GBV
This document outlines ABAAD’s immediate response to the hostilities in Lebanon, which have resulted in civilian casualties, injuries, and internal displacement. As the situation worsens, meeting basic needs has become increasingly difficult for families who lack access to livelihoods and...
Program Emergency ResponseGBV
This brief describes ABAAD and the Ethiopian Human Rights Defenders Center (EHRDC)’s experience of conducting a brand new training on militarism and masculinities for Ethiopian civil society organizations focused on human rights and peacebuilding.
Program Masculinities
This study coordinated by ABAAD and funded by the United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF), under the project “Engaging civil society and youth in gender inclusive citizenship and leadership in Lebanon” explores how active citizenship can promote gender equality in Lebanon....
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Program Gender Equality
The multi-country and comprehensive study presented here, coordinated by Rutgers and Abaad MENA as part of the Generation G programme, explores the prevalence, forms, and impacts of technology-facilitated gender-based violence on women and girls across different regions aiming to address...
Program GBV
Tags Generation G
تعرفوا على قصة شيرين احدى المشاركات في مشروع “مكاني”. نجحت “شيرين” في النجاة من عنف شريكها، حيث قررت الدفاع عن نفسها بعد تعلم أساليب التبليغ عن العنف. انضمت شيرين إلى مشروع “مكاني”، مما ساعدها على التعافي وهي تشارك الآن في...
Program Primary Prevention
Meet Sherin, one of the participants in the “Makani” project. Sherin successfully escaped the violence of her partner, deciding to defend herself after learning reporting techniques. She joined the “Makani” project, which helped her recover. She is now participating in...
Program Primary Prevention
Promoting Positive Parenting and Strengthening Active Father’s Involvement in Early Childhood Development
Program Masculinities
تعزيز الوالديّة الإيجابيّة وتفعيل مشاركة الآباء في نماء الطّفولة المبكرة
Program Masculinities
The Gender Integration Toolkit is a comprehensive training guide aimed at enhancing the capacity of partner organizations in integrating gender perspectives into their work. Its primary goal is to develop participants’ understanding and skills in addressing the impact of socially...
Program Gender Equality
The Gender Integration Toolkit is a comprehensive training guide aimed at enhancing the capacity of partner organizations in integrating gender perspectives into their work. Its primary goal is to develop participants’ understanding and skills in addressing the impact of socially...
Program Gender Equality
The update of the Gender-Based Violence Standard Operating Procedures (GBV SOPs) is rooted in ABAAD’s recognition of the evolving landscape of GBV challenges in Lebanon. The original SOPs, developed in 2018 with the support of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign...
Program GBV
يلخص هذا التقرير العام مرحلتين أساسيتين من العمل على سلسلة تدريبات متخصصة، للوقوف على القانون 205 الصادر في لبنان في العام 2020 لتجريم التحرش الجنسي وتأهيل ضحاياه من جهة، وكيفية العمل من أجل محتوى وتغطيات إعلامية متحسسة جندريًّا من جهة...
Mid-term review of Reform: Towards a strengthened quality response and inclusive and dignified durable solutions for GBV survivors in Lebanon – project supported by RDPP – September 2021
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Program GBVGender Equality
The REFORM project was funded by RDPP and implemented by ABAAD, aiming at the enhancement of gender equality and reducing Gender Based Violence cases in Lebanon, among both host and refugee communities. The project spanned between 2019 and 2022, for...
Final programme evaluation of ABAAD’s Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (DMFA)-supported project, “NASEEJ 2: Improving Prospects for Refugees and Vulnerable Host Communities” which aims to improve the protection prospects for refugees and host communities in Lebanon. The evaluation was conducted...
Program Evaluation
“Norms and Reform” aimed to scope out associations between economic, social (including shifts in gender roles and family dynamics), as well as public health factors and GBV practices among Syrian refugees based in Lebanon, while including a comparative aspect on...
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Program GBV
سلّطت هذه الدراسة الإحصائية الوطنيّة التي قامت بها منظمة أبعاد الضوء على جرائم الإعتداء الجنسي في لبنان حيث هدفت الى معرفة مدى لجوء النساء اللواتي يتعرضن للعنف الجنسي للتبليغ عن هذا العنف، وما هي أسباب الامتناع عن التبليغ.
Annual Reports
Find here the ABAAD ANNUAL REPORT 2021: “Gender-based violence prevention & Response during social-economic deterioration”. Lebanon remains stuck in a state of ongoing crises. In such contexts, risks of violence against women and girls surge. Still, women and girls in...
غالبيـة 88% مـن الناخبيـن/ات في لبنان يعتبرون أن النسـاء قـادرات علـى القيـام بواجبـات نائـب مُشّرِع فـي المجلـس النيابـي. واحدة من نتائج عديدة خَلُصت إليها دراسة كميّة ونوعية نفذتها منظمـة “أبعـاد” بدعم مالي مـن صنـدوق الأمم المتحـدة للديمقراطيـة UNDEF تحت عنوان:...
Program Gender Equality
The Status of Women with Disabilities in Lebanon: A Snapshot of Socio-Political and Economic Impacts from an Intersectional Lens
Program Gender Equality
An Analytical Study of Access to Justice for Sexual and Gender-Based Violence case of Syrian Refugees in Lebanon The aim of the study is to understand the pathways that Syrian refugee women utilise to access justice for SGBV cases in...
Program GBV
This report captures findings from the baseline study of the project “Toward a Gender-Equitable Society” implemented by Search for Common Ground (Search) and ABAAD-Resource Center for Gender Equality (ABAAD). The expected impact of the project is to “contribute to an...
Program GBVGender Equality
Executive Summary – This report is developed by ABAAD in coordination with The Global Women’s Institute at the George Washington University. It provides a better understanding of mental health among adult women survivors of GBV in Lebanon, in order to...
Program GBVGender Equality
This report is developed by ABAAD in coordination with The Global Women’s Institute at the George Washington University. It provides a better understanding of mental health among adult women survivors of GBV in Lebanon, in order to increase awareness among...
Program GBV
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a terrible effect on women’s and girls’ rights, health, and protection. However, the pandemic has also highlighted the critical role that local women-led and women’s rights organizations play—including as service providers. In 2020, partners of...
Program GBVGender Equality
Annual Reports
In a year like no other, as the world faced a globalpandemic, Lebanon was struggling with overlappingcrises. Between the spread of the COVID-19 virus atalarming rates and the devastating explosion inBeirut killing more than 200 people, the situation inLebanon has...
This learning and recommendation report on how to approach livelihood for gender-based violence survivors benefiting from emergency safe sheltering programs. Analysis and recommendations are based on the identification of best practices and lessons learned from survivors themselves, professionals working in...
Mainstreaming WPS agenda into approaches and programme design of the security and Media institutions and civil society organizations Knowledge Guide
The country’s crises are many. But our protection can’t be postponed any longer! One out of two women in Lebanon considers that women’s protection should be a priority during the ongoing crisis that the country is witnessing, whereas 96% of...
Program Primary Prevention
The country’s crises are many. But our protection can’t be postponed any longer! One out of two women in Lebanon considers that women’s protection should be a priority during the ongoing crisis that the country is witnessing, whereas 96% of...
ﻣﻮﺟﺰ ﺗﻨﻔﻴﺬي ﻟﻨﺘﺎﺋﺞ دراﺳﺔ حول أوﻟﻮﻳﺎت اﻟﻔﺘﻴﺎت واﻟﻨﺴﺎء ﻓﻲ ﻟﺒﻨﺎن اﻟﻴﻮم ومدى ﺷﻌﻮرﻫﻦّ بالحاجة اﻟﻰ اﻟﺤﻤﺎﻳﺔ
Program GBVGender Equality
Tags gbv
At a time when homes should be the safest places, there are some that are contaminated with domestic violence. That same house could be harming your neighbor, a friend or stranger. Let’s share the Helpline number 81788178 dedicated to women enduring violence...
Program Primary Prevention
This publication, entitled ‘Engaging with Religious Actors on Gender Inequality and Gender-Based Violence’, was developed with the financial support of the European Union. It combines a map of 5 Practices, and ABAAD’s perspectives in working with religious actors to prevent...
Program GBVGender Equality
دليل إدارة حالات العنف القائم على النوع الإجتماعي أثناء الطوارئ يتناول هذا الدليل مشكلة إدارة حالات العنف القائم على النوع الإجتماعي عن بُعد وتقديم المشورة الإجتماعية
This article speculates how different factors contribute to violence against women worldwide, with some focus on Lebanon. Violence types addressed in this study will be domestic violence and intimate partner violence.
Evidence shows that men and boys with more rigid views on masculinity, or “what it means to be a man,” are more likely to use violence against women and girls, and engaging in other harmful behaviors تُظهــر الأدلــة إن الرجــال...
Program GBVGender Equality
تعزيز اﻟﻮاﻟﺪﻳّﺔ اﻹﻳﺠﺎﺑﻴّﺔ، دﻋﻢ اﻟﻤﺴﺎواة ﻓﻲ اﻟﻌﻼﻗﺎت ﺑﻴﻦ اﻟﺠﻨﺴﻴﻦ وﺗﻔﻌﻴﻞ ﻣﺸﺎرﻛﺔ اﻵﺑﺎء ﻓﻲ ﻧﻤﺎء اﻟﻄّﻔﻮﻟﺔ اﻟﻤﺒﻜﺮة
Promoting Positive Parenting, Supporting Gender-Equal Relationships and Strengthening Active Fathers’ Involvement in Early Childhood Development
ايماناً منا بأهمية دور الرجال والفتيان في الوقاية والحد مــن العنــف ضــد النســاء والفتيــات وضــروة إشــراكهم بشــكل فعــال فــي قضايــا الصحــة والحقــوق الجنســية والإنجابيــة، والتركيــز علــى كيفيــة تداخــل الصحــة والحقــوق الجنســية والإنجابيــة مــع النــوع لإجتماعــي وحقــوق المرأة، حيــث أن عــدم...
It stems from our belief in the vital role of men and young boys in preventing violence against women and girls and the necessity for them to be actively involved in issues of sexual and re-productive health and rights and...
This manual addresses the issue to manage cases of gender-based violence remotely and offer social counseling.
Program GBVGender Equality
Program PSEA
During the Generation Equality Forum that ended March 31, each Action Coalition launched a blueprint for concrete and ambitious actions that would accelerate change towards equality. You can find the commitments and actions of all the Action Coalitions outcomes in...
During the Generation Equality Forum that ended March 31, ABAAD, being one of the global leaders of the Action Coalition on Gender-Based Violence, worked with other co-leaders to shape this blueprints on GBV. Discover more in this report.
key findings and recommendations on the impact of COVID-19 on gender equality, peace and security in Lebanon.
Program Gender Equality
تجريم التحرش الجنسي وتأهيل ضحاياه، قانون رقم 205 – صادر بتاريخ 30-12-2020 تم نشر هذا القانون في الجريدة الرسمية العدد 1 – الصادرة بتاريخ 7-1-2021
يلّي بتعطي الأمان، يلّي واقفة بوجّ الظلم، يلّي بتشيل أنقاض وأرواح من الموت، أيمتى رح تحسّ بالأمان؟ #صانعة_أمان They marched with fire and strength in their eyes. They put their lives in harm’s way for others. When will they feel...
This Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA) report was conducted by ABAAD, CARE, UNESCWA, UNFPA, and UN Women. It assesses how diverse women, men, girls, boys, and gender minorities were affected by the events of August 4.
قرار مجلس الأمن 1325 والقرارات المكملة له – دليل معرفي خاص حول سبل إدماجه في مقاربات عمل المؤسّسات الأمنيّة، الإعلاميّة وبرامج منظّمات المجتمع المدني
Program Emergency Response
August 2020
دليل أنشطة يهدف الى فتح نقاشات مع الرجال والفتيان للتحدث عن الضغوطات والمشاعر التي يواجهونها، كيفية التعامل معها وكيف يمكن ان يؤدي ذلك الى إزدياد العنف في الأسرة
Une brochure comprenant des messages principales sur ce que vous pouvez faire si vous êtes confié(e) avec un partenaire agressif et violent
مطوية تتضم رسائل أساسية حول ما يمكنك فعله بحال كنت محجور/ة مع شريك/ة سلوكه/ا عدواني وعنيف
Understanding Attitudes, Behaviors and Future Expectations
A few tips for men during the COVID-19 lockdown
ﺑﻌﺾ اﻟﻨﺼﺎﺋﺢ إﱃ اﻟﺮﺟﺎل ﺧﻼل ﻓﺘﺮة اﻟﺤﺠﺮ اﻟﺼﺤﻲ
In light of the need to adapt service-delivery modalities regarding the COVID-19, ABAAD– Resource Center for Gender Equality, recommends the following best practices when agencies and other aid-providers (including community-based organizations) rely on text messaging and other messaging platforms to...
A new study examining the importance, as well as the availability and accessibility, of shelters in the Arab region This study, produced by ESCWA, in partnership with the United Nations Population Fund – Regional Office for Arab States (UNFPA-ROAS), Women...
الإجراءات العملية التي يجب إتباعها في إدارة حالات العنف المبني على النوع الإجتماعي خلال تفشي وباء كورونا المستجد
الإجراءات الوقائية عند تقديم خدمات الدعم النفس-إجتماعي المر ّكز غير المختص للنساء والفتيات أثناء تقشي فيروس الكورونا
تم إعداد هذا التقرير من قبل منظمة أبعاد، وكير، والإسكوا، وصندوق الأمم المتحدة للسكان، وهيئة الأمم المتحدة للمرأة. ويقيّم مدى تأثر النساء والرجال والفتيات والفتيان والأقليات الجنسية المتنوعة بأحداث 4 أغسطس
تهدف هذه الوثيقة الى كشف التمييز الواضح بحق النساء الذي لا يزال يخترق الكثير من القوانين ويعيق تحقيق المساواة والمساعدة في تحديد أولويات العمل للمنظمات الحقوقية والحركات النسائية من اجل الوصول إلى المساواة. تم إعداد هذه الوثيقة بمساهمة من منظمة...
Program Gender Equality
Evaluation of an evidence-based parenting program in Lebanon reveals reductions in corporal punishment, men’s increased involvement at home, and improvements in couple communication.
This report comes as an annexure to the “GBV Rapid Assessment in Syria1,” also conducted by NCA, ABAAD, and GOPA-DERD in December 2018 and published in January 2019. Following secondary data review and informal field surveys with experts working on...
Program GBVGender Equality
There have been countless debates over the efficiency of data activism, in the sphere of feminism as well as for leftist activism more broadly. This policy paper offers a number of recommendations on the subject matter, including Promoting further understanding...
Program Advocacy
!من نساء لبنان وثائراته إلى كل إمرأة في العالم العربي …إلى كل النساء والفتيات ضحايا الإعتداء الجنسي ممنوعة_من_العرض# From the thousands of rebellious women in Lebanon… to the survivors of sexual assaults in the Arab World! We dedicate...
بِقولوا… #حماية#دعم#تمكين للإستشارة على خط الأمان ٢٤/٢٤: 81 78 81 78
Program AdvocacyEmergency Response
يجب أن يكون المتلقّي المباشر لهذا الكتيّب مدرِّبون على دراية جيدة بقضايا الجندر والمساواة الجندرية، والإنصاف والأنوثيات والرجوليات، ووضع حد للتمييز والعنف ضد النساء والفتيات . يشار إلى أنّ من شأن هؤلاء المدربين بدورهم تدريب أفراد من منظمات المجتمع المدني...
This report summarizes different case studies from prevention+ partners working on engaging religious leaders for ending violence against women and GBV
“نشعر أننا أقوى مع الوقت وقادرات على المواجهة”“من الجميل أن نكبر” هي رزمة توعويّة تهدف إلى مساعدة الفتيات المراهقات على تعزيز ثقتهنّ بأنفسهنّ وتجاوز التحديات التي قد تعرّض سلامتهنّ للخطر تتضمن هذه الرزمة، بالاضافة الى هذه القصة فيديو توجيهي يمكنكم...
Tags abaad
“Jina Al Dar” program was selected among the best ten innovative initiatives worldwid to advance the Sustainable Development Goals
الصحة والحقوق الجنسية والإنجابية للجميع – ملخص تنفيذي تم إنتاج هذه النسخة العربية من الملخص التنفيذي بالتعاون بين منظمة أبعاد ولجنة Guttmacher-Lancet
Program GBVSRHR and Sexuality
Tags academiaacademia and program design teamsadolescent girlsgender expertsguttmacher- lancet commission report on srhrorganizations working on gender equality and youthpolicy makersquantitative researchersregional women’s rights actorssexual and reproductive health and rightssexual healthstakeholders
Throughout the two weeks of CSW, ABAAD’s delegation participated and contributed to several panels and events highlighting the work of ABAAD in promoting women’s and girls’ voices in Lebanon and the MENA region.
Responding and Empowering-GBV Services in Lebanon in Response to the Syrian Crisis. A report by The Irish Consortium on Gender Based Violence (ICGBV) on GBV Services in Lebanon in Response to the Syrian Crisis
‘’Patriarchal Masculinity, Militarism, and the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Agenda’’ ABAAD, WILPF and MenEngage Alliance host side event at 63rd session of CSW 20 MARCH 2019 | NEW YORK
Literature on refugee well-being has largely focused on trauma, stress, and medical diagnoses. Less is known about how refugees adapt to their new contexts and experience hope for the future. This study examines the experiences of Syrian refugee girls in...
مذكرة حول اصول التعاطي والتحقيق في جرائم الإتجار بالاشخاص وجرائم الإعتداء الجنسي وتقديم الدعم لضحاياها
قام هذا التقييم النوعي بجمع معلومات من متخصصين سوريين يقدمون خدمات مباشرة للمجتمعات المحلية في 13 محافظة، وهو يظهر فهم المجتمع ومواقف وممارسات مقدمي الخدمات
The qualitative assessment collected information from Syrian specialists providing direct services to local communities in 13 governorates, and captures both, community perceptions and service provider attitudes and practices.
Program Cross-CuttingEmergency Response
معالجة أشكال ونتائج التوتر والضغوط بين الأطفال والمراهقين الضغط النفسي إدارة دينامية العلاقات الاسرية التربية الوالدية
Year after year the journey continues until achieving Gender Equality in Lebanon and the MENA Region. Together, we will achieve our mission
Young men and women from Lebanon gathered to discuss the results of the IMAGES survey conducted by UN Women and Promundo with local research partners. For more information on the study please visit: www.imagesmena.org
Program Masculinities
Tags masculinities
وثيقة عمل حول التغطية الإعلامية لقضايا العنف القائم على النوع الإجتماعي
Program Primary Prevention
The National Mental Health Programme (NMHP) at the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) in collaboration with ABAAD are addressing the pressing need to have a contextualized self-care manual for front-line workers, with a focus on staff in the Child Protection...
يُسهم هذا الدليل في نشْر التوعية حول قضايا الشيخوخة، كونه يتوجّه إلى المُتخصّصين/ات والعاملين/ات ومقدّمي/ات الرعاية لكِبار السنّ، بقدر ما يتوجّه إلى كلّ فئات المجتمع بهدف التوعية على جميع أشكال الإهمال وسوء المُعاملة والعنف التي تُمارَس ضدّ فئة كبار السنّ،...
وثيقة حول أبرز نتائج، إنجازات وتحديات برنامج »إمكان: المساحات اآلمنة للنساء ّ والفتيات المعرضات لإلساءة« وتوثيق لبعض الممارسات الناجحة في البرنامج وشهادات المستفيدين/ات من خدماته.
إن هذا الدليل معّد لتدريب الإعلاميين/ات حول سبل التغطيّة الإعلامية الحسّاسة لقضايا النساء والفتيات الناجيات من العنف القائم على النوع الإجتماعي.
Training manual designed to provide sessions on stress and anger management with a secondary emphasis on Gender analysis of the topic.
Enhancing Lebanon National System for the Prevention, Protection, and Response to Gender-Based Violence.
Program Primary Prevention
Tags naseej
تعزيز الآليات الوطنية للوقاية، الحماية والإستجابة للعنف القائم على النوع الإجتماعي في لبنان
Program Primary Prevention
Tags naseej
Program Primary Prevention