Model Center for Multidisciplinary Holistic Care to Combat GBV

Safe Line (24/7)

+961 81 78 81 78

From 2015 until 2022, ABAAD was providing GBV prevention and response through the Social Development Centres of the Lebanese Ministry of Social Affairs. In 2023, ABAAD established 7 Model Centres for Multi-Disciplinary Holistic Care to End Gender-Based Violence in: Tyre, Tripoli, Furn Chebbak, Shouweifat, Zahleh, Labweh and Baalbek.

The model centres are safe and public spaces established with the aim of empowering persons of different ages, gender and diverse backgrounds to promote their participation in decisions that affect their lives. The model centres support women, girls, men, and boys to receive vital information about services, become aware of their rights, acquire new skills, build social networks, and receive specialized services. More particularly, the model centres prioritize GBV and child protection cases. Prevention services are designed to actively engage with community in defining and implementing local solutions that influence their lives through strengthened community structures, mitigate protection risks through improved awareness and positive community practices on gender equality and GBV.


Here are our numbers for 2022, until the end of October:

In 2021, a total of 26,612 beneficiaries accessed ABAAD Safe Spaces and were provided with a combination of prevention and response services provided by ABAAD Skilled and well trained Psycho Social Support workers.




Individuals were reached through awareness and sensitization on GBV

Women and accompanying children, were admitted to ABAAD’s three Mid Way Houses across in Lebanon in 2022 (until end of October). All beneficiaries are provided with adequate exit plan solution.

Women and girls accessed Psycho Social Support

Individuals accessing mental health services

The safe spaces have been selected in a manner that ensures wide geographical coverage, to facilitate the reach of women in different areas of Lebanon.

Noor finding relief from an abusive relationship.

“Some beginnings are harsh, the story started when I dropped out of school at the age of 12, fell in love, ran away, was sold to a husband at the age of 15, got abused by the entire family, fled from the war in Syria to Lebanon… until I learned about ABAAD and started receiving psychosocial and emotional support. After that I engaged in lessons in hairdressing skills and started my own project.

Some beginnings are harsh, but they were not the end. Now, I have a goal to look forward to.  Now, I believe in me.” Nour: Pseudo name, GBV Survivor & beneficiary at Women and girls’ safe spaces at ABAAD.

Read full story here

نور تجد السلام من علاقة مسيئة.

بعض البدايات قاسية، بدأت قصتي عندما تركت المدرسة في سن الثانية عشرة،  حينها وقعت في الحب وهربت من المنزل، وتم بعدها بيعي لزوج في سن الخامسة عشر، وتعرضت للإساءة من قبل الأسرة بأكملها. مع بداية الحرب السورية لجأنا الى لبنان … تعرفت على منظمة أبعاد وبدأت أتلقى الدعم النفسي والاجتماعي والعاطفي. بعد ذلك شاركت في دروس مهارات تصفيف الشعر وبدأت مشروعي الخاص

 بعض البدايات قاسية لكنها ليست النهاية. الآن، لدي هدف أتطلع إليه، الان انا اثق بنفسي. – نور (اسم مستعار)، ناجية ومستفيدة من الخدمات النموذجية في المساحات الآمنة للنساء والفتيات في منظمة أبعاد

لقرائة القصة كاملة إضغط هنا


الخط الآمن للطوارئ (٧/٢٤)
+961 81 78 81 78

مركز الدار الآمن للنساء والفتيات
Safe Line (24/7) | الخط الآمن (٧/٢٤)
+961 76 06 06 02

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مستعدين نسمع حكي
(خلال أيام الأسبوع من الساعة ٩:٠٠ ص ـ ٥:٠٠ م)
Helpline (weekdays 09:00 – 17:00)
+961 71 28 38 20