Mid-term review of Reform: Towards a strengthened quality response and inclusive and dignified durable solutions for GBV survivors in Lebanon – project supported by RDPP – September 2021
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Program GBVGender Equality
The REFORM project was funded by RDPP and implemented by ABAAD, aiming at the enhancement of gender equality and reducing Gender Based Violence cases in Lebanon, among both host and refugee communities. The project spanned between 2019 and 2022, for...
ﻣﻮﺟﺰ ﺗﻨﻔﻴﺬي ﻟﻨﺘﺎﺋﺞ دراﺳﺔ حول أوﻟﻮﻳﺎت اﻟﻔﺘﻴﺎت واﻟﻨﺴﺎء ﻓﻲ ﻟﺒﻨﺎن اﻟﻴﻮم ومدى ﺷﻌﻮرﻫﻦّ بالحاجة اﻟﻰ اﻟﺤﻤﺎﻳﺔ
Program GBVGender Equality
Tags gbv