Lebanon Humanitarian Crisis Emergency Response Appeal Delivering immediate and efficient life-saving support now, for sustainable impact. Learn More arrow_forward_ios GBV Emergency Safe Line Delivering fast, efficient, and life-saving support with sustainable impact ABAAD stands by you 24/7 +961 81 78 81 78 call_made الخط الآمن الطارىء توفير دعم سريع، فعّال، ومنقذ للحياة بأثرٍ مستدام حدَِّك ٢٤/٧ +961 81 78 81 78 call_made في حال التعرض للإساءة والعنف Dirty Laundry Survivors’ stories are not laundry we should hide or be ashamed of.
Sexual assault is a crime that needs a serious sentence.
ABAAD's 16 Days of Activism Learn More arrow_forward_ios
Learn More arrow_forward_ios No Shame No Blame ABAAD's 16 Days of Activism Campaign to end violence against women and girls ABAAD's 16 Days of Activism Learn More arrow_forward_ios Gender Equality Jina Al-Dar A bus touring the most marginalized areas in Lebanon, with a specialized team that provides services aiming to prevent and reduce all forms of violence against women and girls.

Featured Projects

PSEA Resources

Protection from Sexual Exploitation & Abuse

Respond Lebanon App

Response to Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) in Lebanon

مشاركة النساء السياسّية

.إنتخابات 2022 البرلمانّية، دروس مستفادة وخطط مستقبلية

Featured New Resources

Our work in numbers

Here are our numbers for 2022, until the end of December:

In 2021, a total of 26,612 beneficiaries accessed ABAAD Safe Spaces and were provided with a combination of prevention and response services provided by ABAAD Skilled and well trained Psycho Social Support workers.

Individuals accessing mental health services

Women and girls survivors of Gender-Based Violence accessing holistic Case management services

Women and girls accessed Psycho Social Support

Women and girls accessed Psycho Social Support

Latest news

“I want to help shape a humanitarian sector that prioritizes affected communities and keeps women and girls at the heart of response efforts.”Ghida Anani, Founder & Director, ABAAD

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ما هو الاعتداء الجنسي؟

إن الإعتداء الجنسي هو أحد أشكال العنف الجنسي، ويتضمن الإغتصاب، التقبيل بالإكراه، التحرش الجنسي بالأطفال أو تعذيب الشخص باستخدام أساليب إيذاء ذات طابع جنسي. كما أن الإعتداءالجنسي هو أي فعل جنسي يمارس بالإكراه يتم خلاله التحايل أوالضغط أو إرغام الشخص على القيام بفعل أو ملامسة جنسية ضد إرادته. يعتبــر الإعتــداءالجنســي فعــلاً مجرّماً بالقانــون تكون في الغالب ضحيّته النساء والفتيات.

اضغط هنا لمعرفة المزيد
Call for Consultant

Read More at Daleel Madani

To stay updated on careers opportunities at ABAAD, kindly regularly visit our page on Daleel Madani

Calls for participation and vacancies

Read More at Daleel Madani

To stay updated on careers opportunities at ABAAD, kindly regularly visit our page on Daleel Madani


الخط الآمن للطوارئ (٧/٢٤)
+961 81 78 81 78

مركز الدار الآمن للنساء والفتيات
Safe Line (24/7) | الخط الآمن (٧/٢٤)
+961 76 06 06 02

مركز الرجال
مستعدين نسمع حكي
(خلال أيام الأسبوع من الساعة ٩:٠٠ ص ـ ٥:٠٠ م)
Helpline (weekdays 09:00 – 17:00)
+961 71 28 38 20