ABAAD– Resource Center for Gender Equality is a UN ECOSOC accredited organization that aims to achieve gender equality as an essential condition to sustainable social and economic development in the MENA region.
The dynamic team is comprised of dedicated activists, lawyers, consultants, social workers and researchers, who creatively test new approaches as part of a larger effort to achieve an equitable society, free of hegemonic masculinities and violence against women.
As a leading actor on gender equality in the region, ABAAD is perceived as a reliable reference and partner by the local, regional and international entities that promote gender equality, peacebuilding and sustainable development.
ABAAD has been the co-chair of the National Technical Task Force to End GBV against Women and Girls (alongside the Lebanese Ministry of Social Affairs) since 2012.
In 2019, ABAAD’s Undress 522 Campaign was awarded the UN SDG Action Award for the most impactful campaign globally.
ABAAD advocates for the development and implementation of policies and laws that enhance women’s effective participation, through a rights-based approach that would bring about tangible change to gender justice.
With the purpose of ending gender-based violence, ABAAD adopts a holistic care approach to provide protection and support services to GBV survivors/right holders during times of peace, war and disasters.
As a leading agency on gender equality in the MENA region, ABAAD also seeks to support and build the capacities of local, regional and international entities that are working on protection programmes, case management, sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), Mental Health & Psychosocial Support and sexualities.
Through its pioneer ‘’Masculinities’’ programme, ABAAD effectively engages men in working towards achieving an equitable society, free of hegemonic masculinities and violence against women.
ABAAD envisions a world in which:
Men and women live as equitable partners and work together to secure better lives for their future and the future of the societies they live in.
Women are effectively empowered and participate in democratic processes that affect their lives and their communities.
Men are willingly and effectively engaged in working towards achieving an equitable society free of hegemonic masculinities and the different types of violence against women.
Women have fair access to the economic assets and the natural resources within their communities.
Women live in freedom, dignity, and inner peace without facing discrimination.
ABAAD’s vision, mission and work are guided by the Declaration of Human Rights, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, gender-related conventions, resolutions and agreements as well as by the values and principles of equality, mainstreaming, empowerment, participation, inclusion, protection, holistic care approach, rights-based approach, survivor-centred approach, partnership, accountability, and transparency.

To achieve its mission, ABAAD adopts 6 strategies:
Policy Development
Strategy 1 – Goal
Develop/change/ enforce fair sensitive responsive policies and laws to ensure gender equality
End Violence Against Women
Strategy 2 – Goal
Reduce all forms of gender-based violence and mitigate its harmful effects
Women & Survivors Empowerment
Strategy 3 – Goal
Increase capability and agency of women and girls to realize their rights & determine their life outcomes
Humanitarian Action
Strategy 4 – Goal
Provide women & girls affected by humanitarian crises with gender-responsive support & protection
Strengthening Civil & Public Sectors
Strategy 5 – Goal
Enhance civil and public sectors’’ capacities and skills to adopt and manage gender responsive action
Organizational Development
Strategy 6 – Goal
Enhance ABAAD’s effectiveness, performance and service quality
- UN Global Compact
- International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA)
- Call to Action on Protection from Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies
- 16 days of Activism to End VAW
- Girls Not brides
- MenEngage Alliance
- Anna Lindh Foundation
- The Generation Equality Forum
- The Core Humanitarian Standard Alliance
- Lebanon Humanitarian and Development NGOs Forum (Steering Committee)
- Lebanon Humanitarian Fund/OCHA (Advisory Board)
- Lebanon Humanitarian Country Team (HCT)
- Protection Core Group (Elected as representative of Local NGOs)
- National coalition to End Child Marriage