Direct Interventions And Services To Syrian Refugee Women And Men
In partnership with DANIDA, this project targets two main sectoral levels: on the one hand, it addresses direct interventions with refugees coming from Syria and providing Syrian women (and men) with individualized services.
On the other hand, building on ABAAD’s experience as co-chair of the GBV National Technical Task Force (NTTF), we are working at the national level to support the production and development of national standardized tools and resources related to GBV, thus fostering and reinforcing inter-ministerial coordination (MoSA, MoPH, MoJ).
The project activities included training workshops on “up-cycling” and “story-telling” (the latter done to provide a space for refugees coming from Syria to speak out about their stories and aspirations, which was later compiled into “Against All Odds,” a video launched on the occasion– of the fifth anniversary of the Syrian crisis), capacity building for ABAAD psychotherapists on the concepts of positive masculinities as a means to enhance efforts towards engaging men in EVAW, supporting the operation of one of ABAAD’s safe shelters, in addition to supporting the NTTF in coordination with the GBV National Taskforce to develop and print standardised national GBV SOPs.